
Buildings are defined in their init.lua file. They have corresponding help texts contained in data/tribes/initialization/<tribe_name>/units.lua.

Types of Buildings

Widelands knows about the following types of buildings:

Common Building Properties

Buildings are defined with Lua functions called new_<building_type>_type{table}. The contents of table depend on the type of building that you are defining. The common properties shared by all buildings are:


Mandatory. A string containing the internal name of this building, e.g.:

name = "atlanteans_fortress",

Mandatory. The translatable display name. Use pgettext to fetch the string, e.g.:

descname = pgettext("atlanteans_building", "Fortress"),

Mandatory. The full path to the menu icon for this building.


Optional. The full path to a representative image for this building. This is needed if the building has a scaled “idle” animation.


Mandatory. The size of this building: "small", "medium", or "big".


Optional. Default: 0. The size of the radius that the building sees.


Optional. A table with the wares used to build this building, containing warename - amount pairs, e.g.:

buildcost = { log = 4, granite = 2 }

When buildcost is defined, you also need to define return_on_dismantle.


Optional. The wares that this building will give back to the player when it is dismantled, e.g.:

buildcost = { log = 2, granite = 1 }

Optional. A table defining the name of a building that this building can be enhanced to, and its additional build cost and wares that this enhanced building will give back to the player when it is dismantled. The enhancement_cost and enhancement_return_on_dismantle table contents can be empty. Example:

enhancement = {
   name = "atlanteans_fancy_building",
   enhancement_cost = {
      log = 3,
      granite = 1,
      planks = 1
   enhancement_return_on_dismantle = {
      log = 1,
      granite = 1

Deprecated. The wares needed to upgrade this building, e.g.:

enhancement_cost = { log = 1, granite = 1 }

Deprecated. The wares that this enhanced building will give back to the player when it is dismantled, e.g.:

return_on_dismantle_on_enhanced = { granite = 1 }

Mandatory. The location of the animation png files.


Optional. A table containing all file animations for this building. Every building needs to have an idle animation. Other animations that a building can have are build, working, unoccupied. Mines also have an empty animation. Animations can either be defined as file animations in this table or as spritesheet animations as defined in table spritesheets. A mixture of the two animation formats is allowed. See Animations for a detailed description of the animation formats.


Optional. A table containing all spritesheet animations for this building. Every building needs to have an idle animation. Other animations that a building can have are build, working, unoccupied. Mines also have an empty animation. Animations can either be defined as spritesheet animations in this table or as file animations as defined in table animations. A mixture of the two animation formats is allowed. See Animations for a detailed description of the animation formats.


Optional. Default: false. Set to true if this building will only be available on seafaring maps.


Mandatory. A list of name - value pairs with hints for the AI. Can be empty.

For making the UI texts translateable, we also need to push/pop the correct textdomain.



dirname = path.dirname (__file__)

tribes:new_warehouse_type {
   name = "frisians_headquarters",
   -- TRANSLATORS: This is a building name used in lists of buildings
   descname = pgettext("frisians_building", "Headquarters"),
   icon = dirname .. "menu.png",
   size = "big",
   destructible = false,

   spritesheets = {
      idle = {
         directory = dirname,
         basename = "idle",
         hotspot = {92, 102},
         frames = 10,
         columns = 5,
         rows = 2,
         fps = 10

   aihints = {},

   heal_per_second = 220,
   conquers = 9,


Help Texts

See Helptexts.