
A theme defines the appearance and style of Widelands’ user interface.

A theme’s directory needs to use the following directory structure:

  • base_directory/
    • init.lua

    • wui/
      • button.png

      • windows/
        • background.png

        • bottom.png

        • close.png

        • left.png

        • maximize.png

        • minimize.png

        • pin.png

        • right.png

        • top.png

        • unpin.png

    • fsmenu/
      • button.png

      • windows/
        • background.png

        • bottom.png

        • close.png

        • left.png

        • maximize.png

        • minimize.png

        • pin.png

        • right.png

        • top.png

        • unpin.png

    • loadscreens/
      • logo.png

      • gametips.png

      • ending.png

      • splash.jpg

      • editor.png

      • mainmenu/
        • image1.png

        • image2.jpg

      • gameloading/
        • desert/
          • image1.png

          • image2.jpg

        • summer/
          • image1.png

        • wasteland/
          • image1.png

        • winter/
          • image1.png

The names of all files and directories in loadscreens as well as the names wui/ and fsmenu are hardcoded, except for the names and amounts of the image files in loadscreens/mainmenu and in the subdirectories of loadscreens/gameloading/. These directories may contain any number of images. Supported image formats are JPG (large, photographic pictures) and PNG (all other images).

Required Files


Will be used for the large ‘Widelands’ logo banner displayed in the main menu.


Will be used as background for the tips shown while starting or loading a game.


Will be tiled across the screen during a lengthy operation to indicate that user input is blocked. Introduced in version 1.1.


The splash screen shown when starting Widelands.


The splash screen shown when starting the map editor.


Any number of images that will be used as backgrounds for the main menu. If more than one image is present, they will be exchanged in frequent intervals. If no images are found, the splashscreen will be used as background instead.


Contains one subdirectory for each of the four map themes ‘desert’, ‘summer’, ‘wasteland’, and ‘winter’. Each of these directories may contain any number of images. Whenever a map is loaded, a random image from the subdirectory corresponding to the map’s theme will be used as background image for the loading screen. If a theme contains no images, the Widelands logo will be used as background instead.

If any of the above images or directories is missing, a fallback image will be used.

wui/ and fsmenu/

These directories contain images for UI elements for items in the game and editor (‘wui’) and in the main menu (‘fsmenu’). The filenames and -paths may be changed, though the correct paths need to be stated in the init.lua file. It is recommended to use the default filenames as stated above.

  • button.png is used as the background for buttons and several other UI elements. The image is tiled to fit the element’s width and height.

  • windows/close.png is used as the icon for the Close button in a window’s top-right corner.

  • windows/pin.png is used as the icon for the Pin button in a window’s top-left corner.

  • windows/unpin.png is used as the icon for the Unpin button in a pinned window’s top-left corner.

  • windows/minimize.png is used as the icon for the minimize button in a window’s top-left corner.

  • windows/maximize.png is used as the icon for the unminimize button in a minimized window’s top-left corner.

  • windows/background.png is used as the window background. The image is tiled to fit the window’s width and height.

  • windows/top.png, windows/bottom.png, windows/left.png, and windows/right.png are used as the window’s upper, lower, left, and right border respectively. The images are tiled to fit the window’s length.


This Lua script returns a table with descriptions for all UI elements. The table needs to contain the following keys:

  • minimum_font_size (int): Fonts will not be scaled below this size.

  • minimap_icon_frame (RGB): The color for the frame of minimap previews in the Choose Map/Savegame screens.

  • background_focused (RGBA): The color for the focus overlays of the focused UI element.

  • background_semi_focused (RGBA): The color for the focus overlays of the focused UI element’s parent elements.

  • windows (table): Style definitons for windows

  • buttons (table): Style definitons for buttons

  • sliders (table): Style definitons for sliders

  • tabpanels (table): Style definitons for tabpanels

  • editboxes (table): Style definitons for one-line and multi-line editboxes

  • dropdowns (table): Style definitons for dropdowns

  • scrollbars (table): Style definitons for scrollbars

  • statistics_plot (table): Style definitons for in-game statistics plots

  • building_statistics (table): Style definitons for the in-game building statistics menu

  • progressbar (table): Style definitons for progress bars

  • tables (table): Style definitons for tables

  • wareinfo (table): Style definitons for ware statistics windows

  • fonts (table): Style definitons for all fonts commonly used in Widelands

RGB colors are arrays with three entries representing the red, green, and blue components (in this order). RGBA colors are arrays with four entries representing the red, green, blue, and alpha components (in this order). Example:

minimap_icon_frame = {255, 220, 0},
background_focused = {240, 240, 240, 200},


The windows table contains two subtables wui and fsmenu for in-game/in-editor and main menu windows respectively. Each subtable requires the following keys:

  • window_border_focused (RGBA): The color to blend over the border of the window if it has focus.

  • window_border_unfocused (RGBA): The color to blend over the border of the window if it does not have focus.

  • background, border_top, border_bottom, border_right, border_left, button_close, button_pin, button_unpin, button_minimize, button_unminimize (strings): The paths to the corresponding icons. See above for the recommended directory structure.


The buttons table contains two subtables wui and fsmenu for in-game/in-editor and main menu buttons respectively. Each subtable contains three sub-subtables primary, secondary, and menu` for the three button types. Each sub-subtable contains two sub-sub-subtables enabled and disabled for the button’s enabled and disabled variant. Each of these contains a key font with a font definition table and a table background with the keys image, typically pointing to the button background image as described above, and an RGB color color which will be blended with the image.


The sliders table contains two subtables wui and fsmenu for in-game/in-editor and main menu sliders respectively. The fsmenu subtable contains a single sub-subtable menu; the wui subtable contains two sub-subtables light and dark. Each of these contains tables background and font like for buttons.


The tabpanels table contains two subtables wui and fsmenu for in-game/in-editor and main menu tabpanels respectively. The fsmenu subtable contains a single sub-subtable menu; the wui subtable contains two sub-subtables light and dark. Each of these contains tables image and color like for the backgrounds of buttons.


The editboxes table contains two subtables wui and fsmenu for in-game/in-editor and main menu editboxes respectively. Each subtable contains tables background and font like for buttons. The background table requires an additional argument margin of type int which will be used for the editbox’s padding.


The scrollbars table contains two subtables wui and fsmenu for in-game/in-editor and main menu scrollbars respectively, each of which contains a single sub-subtable menu. Each sub-subtable contains tables image and color like for the backgrounds of buttons.

statistics plots

The statistics_plot table contains two subtables colors and fonts. The colors table defines two RGB colors named axis_line and zero_line for the two axis of a statistics plot. The fonts tables needs to define font definition tables named y_min_value and y_max_value (for the y-axis labels) and x_tick (for the x-axis labels).

building statistics

The building statistics table contains two font definition tables census_font and statistics_font which will be used for the in-game census and statistics strings shown over buildings; a table colors with eight RGB colors low, medium, and high (for production sites), low_alt, medium_alt, and high_alt (alternative colors for situations where more contrast is required), construction (for objects under construction), and neutral (e.g. for military sites’ soldier string); and a table statistics_window with an integer value editbox_margin to override the padding of editboxes and a table fonts with two font definition tables button_font (for buttons) and details_font (for other texts).

progress bars

The progressbar table contains two subtables wui and fsmenu for in-game/in-editor and loading screen progress bars respectively. Each subtable contains a font definition table font and a table background_colors with three RGB colors low, medium, and high for the three states of the progress bar.


The tables table contains two subtables wui and fsmenu for in-game/in-editor and main menu tables respectively. Each subtable contains three font definition tables enabled (for normal table entries), disabled (for greyed-out table entries), and hotkey (to display hotkeys).

ware statistics

The wareinfo table contains two subtables highlight and normal for highlighted/selected and non-highlighted items respectively. Each subtable contains a string icon_background_image with an image path; a colors table with three RGB colors icon_frame (for frames), icon_background (for the backgrounds of icons), and info_background (for the background of the info string associated with an item); and a fonts table with two font definition tables header (for captions) and info (for the info strings).


A font definition table contains the following entries:

  • color (RGB): The font’s color

  • face (string): The font’s face’s name

  • size (int): The default font size

Optionally the following boolean values may be set: bold, italic, underline, and shadow.

Some of the above style tables define custom fonts. Additionally, there is a fonts table which defines fonts used in many places in Widelands:

  • chat_message: Basic chat messages

  • chat_timestamp: Timestamps for chat messages

  • chat_whisper: Whispered chat messages

  • chat_playername: The name of the player who sent a chat message

  • chat_server: Chat messages sent by the server

  • fsmenu_intro: Previously used in the splashscreen. Currently unused.

  • italic: Italic texts (main menu only)

  • fsmenu_gametip: Tips shown on the loading screens

  • fsmenu_info_panel_heading: Headings for info texts (main menu only)

  • fsmenu_info_panel_paragraph: Info texts (main menu only)

  • fsmenu_game_setup_headings: Headings in the main menu’s Launch Game screens

  • fsmenu_game_setup_mapname: The name of the selected map in the Launch Game screens

  • fsmenu_game_setup_superuser: Administrators in the internet lobby’s list of users

  • fsmenu_game_setup_irc_client: IRC clients in the internet lobby’s list of users

  • fsmenu_translation_info: Translation statistics in the main menu’s options window

  • fs_window_title: Window titles (main menu only)

  • wui_window_title: Window titles (game and editor)

  • label_fs: Normal labels (main menu only)

  • label_wui: Normal labels (game and editor)

  • tooltip_fs: Tooltips (main menu only)

  • tooltip_hotkey_fs: Hotkey tooltips (main menu only)

  • tooltip_header_fs: Tooltip headings (main menu only)

  • tooltip_wui: Tooltips (game and editor)

  • tooltip_hotkey_wui: Hotkey tooltips (game and editor)

  • tooltip_header_wui: Tooltip headings (game and editor)

  • game_summary_title: Heading in the end-of-game-summary screen

  • warning: Warnings and errors

  • disabled: Greyed-out items

  • wui_attack_box_slider_label: The label over the in-game attack dialog’s slider

  • wui_info_panel_heading: Headings for info texts (game and editor)

  • wui_info_panel_paragraph: Info texts (game and editor)

  • wui_message_heading: Headings for in-game inbox messages

  • wui_message_paragraph: Text of in-game inbox messages

  • wui_game_speed_and_coordinates: Time, speed and coordinates strings in the game/editor info panel