.. _lua_tribes_buildings_constructionsites:

Construction Sites

The constructionsite is a special building.
It is a building site where a building is being constructed.
Just like the dismantlesite, it is defined only once for all tribes.

The constructionsite is defined in
The building will also need its :ref:`help texts <lua_tribes_tribes_helptexts>`,
which are defined in ``data/tribes/initialization/<tribe_name>/units.lua``

.. function:: new_constructionsite_type{table}

   This function adds the definition of the construction site building to the engine.

   :arg table: This table contains all the data that the game engine will add to this building.
               It only contains :ref:`lua_tribes_buildings_common`.

For making the UI texts translateable, we also need to push/pop the correct textdomain.


.. code-block:: lua


   dirname = path.dirname(__file__)

   wl.Descriptions():new_constructionsite_type {
      name = "constructionsite",
      descname = pgettext("building", "Construction Site"),
      animation_directory = dirname,
      icon = dirname .. "menu.png",
      vision_range = 2,

      animations = {
         idle = {
            hotspot = { 5, 5 },
         idle_with_worker = {
            hotspot = { 33, 36 },

      aihints = {},
