
Functions to send messages to the player and to add objectives to campaigns.

To make these functions available include this file at the beginning of a script via:

include "scripting/messages.lua"
send_to_inbox(player, title, body, parameters)

Sends a message to the inbox of a player. If the popup parameter is true and the player is in roadbuilding mode, the message is sent after the player leaves the roadbuilding mode (only in singleplayer)

  • player ( – the recipient of the message

  • title (string) – the localized title of the message

  • body (string) – the localized body of the message. You can use rt functions here.

  • parameters (table) – Array of message parameters as defined in the Lua interface, for, e.g. {field=f,popup=true}. The popup parameter must be set.

send_to_all_inboxes(text[, heading])

Sends a message to the inbox of all players and show it instantly. This is mainly used for winconditions to show the status.

  • text (string) – the localized body of the message. You can use richtext functions here. E.g. p(_("text")).

  • heading (string) – the localized title of the message (optional)

message_box(player, title, message, parameters)

Waits if player is in building mode, then shows a scenario message box. Usually you want to use campaign_message_box() which has more options, e.g. positioning of message boxes.

  • player ( – the recipient of the message

  • title (string) – the localized title of the message

  • message (string) – the localized body of the message. You must use richtext functions here, e.g. p(_("message"))

  • parameters (array) – Array of message parameters as defined in the Lua interface, for, e.g. {field=f}.

campaign_message_box({message, [opts]}, [sleeptime])

Pause a game and show a message box for player 1. Since this function can have several options there is an example below this description.

  • [opts] (table message,) –

    The message consist of the title, the body and optional parameters. Note that the body must be formatted using the richtext functions, e.g. p(_("message"))

    [opts] can be a separated list of key value pairs defined by and the following ones:

    position - A string that indicates at which border of the screen the message box shall appear. Can be “top”, “bottom”, “right”, “left” or a combination (e.g. “topright”). Overrides posx and posy. Default: Center. If only one direction is indicated, the other one stays centered.

    scroll_back - If true, the view scrolls/jumps back to where it came from. If false, the new location stays on the screen when the message box is closed. Default: False.

    show_instantly - If true, the message box is shown immediately. If false, this function will wait until the player leaves the roadbuilding mode. Be aware that this can be very interruptive. Default: :type false:.

    allow_next_scenario - If set to true, show a button that allows starting

    the next scenario at once. Defaults to false.

  • sleeptime (int) – ms spent sleeping after the message has been dismissed by the player


local scroll_to_field = map:get_field(47, 10)
campaign_message_box({title = "The title",     -- title of the window
                      body = p("The body"),    -- text inside the window
                      w = 200,                 -- width (
                      h = 150,                 -- height (
                      position = "topleft",
                      field = scroll_to_field, -- see
                      scroll_back = true       -- only useful if 'field' was set
                     200                      -- optional sleeptime

In the campaigns of this game the table of message is defined in a separate file called texts.lua.


Helper function to get a height for a messagebox that is changed relative to the default in a way that can still follow the scaling of themes.


steps (signed int) – The number of steps by which to increase or decrease the height


Helper function to get a width for a messagebox that is changed relative to the default in a way that can still follow the scaling of themes.


steps (signed int) – The number of steps by which to increase or decrease the width


Adds an objective to a campaign.


objective ( – The objective to be added. If the variable name exists, obj_name, obj_title and obj_body are used. Otherwise, it needs to have a name, title, and body.


The new objective.


Append an objective text with a header to a dialog box in a nice fashion. For displaying objectives with an extra title when an advisor is talking

Provides nice formatting for objective texts. The following arguments will be parsed:

  • number: the number of objectives described in the body

  • body: the objective text, e.g. created with objective_text()


a rich text object that contains the formatted objective text & title.

campaign_message_with_objective(message, objective[, sleeptime])

Sets message.h and message.w if not set and calls message_box(player, title, body, parameters) for player 1.

Adds an objective to the scenario afterwards.

  • message (string) – the message to be sent

  • objective ( – The objective to be added. If the variable obj_name exists, obj_name, obj_title and obj_body are used. Otherwise, it needs to have a name, title, and body.

  • sleeptime (int) – ms spent sleeping after the message has been dismissed by the player


The new objective.

set_objective_done(objective[, sleeptime])

Sets an objectve as done and sleeps for a bit.

  • objective ( – The objective to be marked as done.

  • sleeptime (int) – The milliseconds to sleep. Defaults to 3000.