
Workers of this basic type work in buildings. Their function is defined either through the buildings’ programs, or through their own programs.

Workers are defined in data/tribes/workers/<tribe name>/<worker_name>/init.lua. The worker will also need its help texts, which are defined in data/tribes/initialization/<tribe_name>/units.lua.


This function adds the definition of a worker to the engine.


table – This table contains all the data that the game engine will add to this worker. It contains the properties in Common Worker Properties.

For making the UI texts translateable, we also need to push/pop the correct textdomain.



dirname = path.dirname(__file__)

wl.Descriptions():new_worker_type {
    name = "empire_fisher",
   -- TRANSLATORS: This is a worker name used in lists of workers
   descname = pgettext("empire_worker", "Fisher"),
   animation_directory = dirname,
   icon = dirname .. "menu.png",
   vision_range = 2,

   buildcost = {
      empire_carrier = 1,
      fishing_rod = 1

   programs = {
      fish = {
         "findspace=size:any radius:7 resource:resource_fish",
         "playsound=sound/fisher/fisher_throw_net priority:50% allow_multiple",
         "mine=resource_fish radius:1",
         "animate=fishing duration:10s", -- Play a fishing animation
         "playsound=sound/fisher/fisher_pull_net priority:50% allow_multiple",

   animations = {
      idle = {
         hotspot = { 7, 38 },

   spritesheets = {
      fishing = {
         fps = 10,
         frames = 30,
         rows = 6,
         columns = 5,
         hotspot = { 9, 39 }
      walk = {
         fps = 20,
         frames = 20,
         rows = 5,
         columns = 4,
         directional = true,
         hotspot = { 10, 38 }
      walkload = {
         basename = "walk",
         fps = 20,
         frames = 20,
         rows = 5,
         columns = 4,
         directional = true,
         hotspot = { 10, 38 }
