Barbarians: Wares
Encyclopedia Index » Barbarians Wares
Ware | Description | Produced at/by | ||||||||||
The ax is the basic weapon of the Barbarians. All young soldiers are equipped with it.
Internal name: "ax"
Battle Ax
This is a dangerous weapon the Barbarians are able to produce. It is produced in the war mill. Only trained soldiers are able to wield such a weapon. It is used – together with food – in the training camp to train soldiers from attack level 3 to 4.
Internal name: "ax_battle"
Beer is produced in micro breweries and used in inns and big inns to produce snacks.
Internal name: "beer"
This fire-hardened wood is as hard as iron and it is used for several buildings. It is produced out of logs in the wood hardener.
Internal name: "blackwood"
Bread Paddle
The bread paddle is the tool of the baker, each baker needs one. Bread paddles are produced in the metal workshop like all other tools (but cease to be produced by the building if it is enhanced to an ax workshop and war mill).
Internal name: "bread_paddle"
Broad Ax
The broad ax is produced by the ax workshop and the war mill. It is used in the training camp – together with food – to train soldiers with a fundamental fighting knowledge from attack level 1 to attack level 2.
Internal name: "ax_broad"
Bronze Ax
The bronze ax is considered a weapon that is hard to handle. Only skilled soldiers can use it. It is produced at the war mill and used in the training camp – together with food – to train soldiers from attack level 2 to level 3.
Internal name: "ax_bronze"
Cloth is needed for Barbarian ships. It is produced out of reed.
Internal name: "cloth"
Coal is mined in coal mines or produced out of logs by a charcoal kiln. The fires of the Barbarians are usually fed with coal. Consumers are several buildings: lime kiln, smelting works, ax workshop, war mill, and helm smithy.
Internal name: "coal"
Felling Ax
The felling ax is the tool to chop down trees. Felling axes are used by lumberjacks and produced in the metal workshop (but cease to be produced by the building if it is enhanced to an ax workshop and war mill).
Internal name: "felling_ax"
Fire Tongs
Fire tongs are the tools for smelting ores. They are used in the smelting works and produced by the metal workshop (but they cease to be produced by the building if it is enhanced to an ax workshop and war mill).
Internal name: "fire_tongs"
Besides pitta bread and meat, fish is also a foodstuff for the Barbarians. It is used in the taverns, inns and big inns and at the training sites (training camp and battle arena).
Internal name: "fish"
Fishing Rod
Fishing rods are needed by fishers to catch fish. They are one of the basic tools produced in a metal workshop (but cease to be produced by the building if it is enhanced to an ax workshop and war mill).
Internal name: "fishing_rod"
Gold is the most valuable of all metals, and it is smelted out of gold ore. Only very important things are embellished with gold. It is produced by the smelting works and used as a precious building material and to produce different axes (in the war mill) and different parts of armor (in the helm smithy).
Internal name: "gold"
Gold Ore
Gold ore is mined in a gold mine. Smelted in a smelting works, it turns into gold which is used as a precious building material and to produce weapons and armor.
Internal name: "gold_ore"
Granite is a basic building material. The Barbarians produce granite blocks in quarries and granite mines.
Internal name: "granite"
Granite can be processed into grout which provides a solid, non burning building material. Grout is produced in a lime kiln.
Internal name: "grout"
The hammer is an essential tool. Geologists, builders, blacksmiths and helmsmiths all need a hammer. Make sure you’ve always got some in reserve! They are one of the basic tools produced at the metal workshop (but cease to be produced by the building if it is enhanced to an ax workshop and war mill).
Internal name: "hammer"
A helmet is a basic tool to protect soldiers. It is produced in the helm smithy and used in the training camp – together with food – to train soldiers from health level 0 to level 1.
Internal name: "helmet"
Hunting Spear
This spear is light enough to be thrown, but heavy enough to kill any animal in one blow. It is only used by hunters. Hunting spears are produced in the metal workshop (but cease to be produced by the building if it is enhanced to an ax workshop and war mill).
Internal name: "hunting_spear"
Iron is smelted out of iron ores. It is produced by the smelting works and used to produce weapons and tools in the metal workshop, ax workshop, war mill and helm smithy.
Internal name: "iron"
Iron Ore
Iron ore is mined in iron mines. It is smelted in a smelting works to retrieve the iron.
Internal name: "iron_ore"
Kitchen Tools
Kitchen tools are needed for preparing rations, snacks and meals. Be sure to have a metal workshop to produce this basic tool (but it ceases to be produced by the building if it is enhanced to an ax workshop and war mill).
Internal name: "kitchen_tools"
Logs are an important basic building material. They are produced by felling trees. Barbarian lumberjacks fell the trees; rangers take care of the supply of trees. Logs are also used in the metal workshop to build basic tools, and in the charcoal kiln for the production of coal. The wood hardener refines logs into blackwood by hardening them with fire.
Internal name: "log"
A mask is an enhanced armor for Barbarian soldiers. It is produced in the helm smithy and used in the training camp – together with food – to train soldiers from health level 1 to level 2.
Internal name: "helmet_mask"
A meal is made out of pitta bread, strong beer and fish/meat in a big inn. This substantial food is exactly what workers in a deeper mine need.
Internal name: "meal"
Meat contains a lot of energy, and it is obtained from wild game taken by hunters. Meat is used in the taverns, inns and big inns to prepare rations, snacks and meals for the miners. It is also consumed at the training sites (training camp and battle arena).
Internal name: "meat"
Picks are used by stonemasons and miners. They are produced in the metal workshop (but cease to be produced by the building if it is enhanced to an ax workshop and war mill).
Internal name: "pick"
Pitta Bread
The Barbarian bakers are best in making this flat and tasty pitta bread. It is made out of wheat and water following a secret recipe. Pitta bread is used in the taverns, inns and big inns to prepare rations, snacks and meals. It is also consumed at training sites (training camp and battle arena).
Internal name: "barbarians_bread"
A small bite to keep miners strong and working. The scout also consumes rations on his scouting trips. Rations are produced in a tavern, an inn or a big inn out of fish or meat or pitta bread.
Internal name: "ration"
Reed is produced in a reed yard and used to make the roofs of buildings waterproof.
Internal name: "reed"
The scythe is the tool of the farmers. Scythes are produced by the metal workshop (but cease to be produced by the building if it is enhanced to an ax workshop and war mill).
Internal name: "scythe"
Sharp Ax
Young soldiers are proud to learn to fight with this powerful weapon. It is heavier and sharper than the ordinary ax. It is produced in ax workshops and war mills. In training camps, it is used – together with food – to train soldiers from attack level 0 to level 1.
Internal name: "ax_sharp"
Shovels are needed for the proper handling of plants. Therefore the gardener and the ranger use them. Produced at the metal workshop (but cease to be produced by the building if it is enhanced to an ax workshop and war mill).
Internal name: "shovel"
A bigger morsel than the ration to provide miners in deep mines. It is produced in an inn or a big inn out of fish/meat, pitta bread and beer.
Internal name: "snack"
Strong Beer
Only this beer is acceptable for the soldiers in a battle arena. Some say that the whole power of the Barbarians lies in this ale. It helps to train the soldiers’ evade level from 0 to 1 to 2. Strong beer is also used in big inns to prepare meals.
Internal name: "beer_strong"
This is the most enhanced Barbarian armor. It is produced in a helm smithy and used in a training camp – together with food – to train soldiers from health level 2 to level 3.
Internal name: "helmet_warhelm"
Warrior’s Ax
The warrior’s ax is the most dangerous of all Barbarian weapons. Only a few soldiers ever were able to handle this huge and powerful ax. It is produced in a war mill and used – together with food – in a training camp to train soldiers from attack level 4 to level 5.
Internal name: "ax_warriors"
Water is the essence of life! Water is used in the bakery, the micro brewery and the brewery. The lime kiln and the cattle farm also need to be supplied with water.
Internal name: "water"
Wheat is essential for survival. Wheat is produced by farms and consumed by bakeries, micro breweries and breweries. Cattle farms also need to be supplied with wheat.
Internal name: "wheat"