Frisians: Wares
Encyclopedia Index » Frisians Wares
Ware | Description | Produced at/by | ||||||||||
Barley is a slow-growing grain that is used for baking bread and brewing beer. It is also eaten by reindeer.
Internal name: "barley"
Baskets are needed by the fruit collector to gather berries. They are woven from reed and wood by the blacksmith.
Internal name: "basket"
Beer is produced in breweries and used in drinking halls to produce meals. Soldiers drink beer while receiving basic training.
Internal name: "beer"
Bread is made out of barley and water and is used in the taverns to prepare rations. It is also consumed by training soldiers.
Internal name: "bread_frisians"
Bread Paddle
The bread paddle is the tool of the baker, each baker needs one. Bread paddles are produced by the blacksmithy.
Internal name: "bread_paddle"
Bricks are the best and most important building material. They are made out of a mix of clay and granite dried in a coal fire.
Internal name: "brick"
The broadsword is the weapon used by level 2 soldiers. Level 5 soldiers are equipped with a broadsword and a double-edged sword.
Internal name: "sword_broad"
Clay is made out of water and mud to be turned into bricks, used in ship construction and to improve the charcoal kiln.
Internal name: "clay"
Cloth is needed for ships. It is produced out of reindeer fur and reed.
Internal name: "cloth"
Coal is mined in coal mines or produced out of logs by a charcoal burner in a charcoal kiln or charcoal burner’s house. The fires of the brick kilns, furnaces and armor smithies are fed with coal.
Internal name: "coal"
Double-edged Sword
The double-edged sword is the weapon used by level 3 soldiers. Level 6 soldiers are equipped with two of these ferocious swords.
Internal name: "sword_double"
Felling Ax
The felling ax is the tool to chop down trees. Felling axes are used by woodcutters and produced by the blacksmithy.
Internal name: "felling_ax"
Fire Tongs
Fire tongs are the tools for smelting ores. They are used in the furnace and the brick kiln and produced by the blacksmithy.
Internal name: "fire_tongs"
Fish is a very important food resource for the Frisians. It is fished from the shore or reared in aqua farms.
Internal name: "fish"
Fishing Net
Fishing nets are the tool used by fishers.
Internal name: "fishing_net"
Fruit are berries gathered from berry bushes by a fruit collector. They are used for rations and for feeding the fish at the aqua farms.
Internal name: "fruit"
Fur is won from reindeer in a reindeer farm. It is woven into cloth or turned into fur garments for soldiers.
Internal name: "fur"
Fur Garment
Fur can be sewn into garments. They are used as basic armor. All new soldiers are clothed in a fur garment.
Internal name: "fur_garment"
Gold is the most valuable of all metals, and it is smelted out of gold ore. Only very important things are embellished with gold. It is produced by the furnace and is used to produce better swords and the best helmets. The best armor is also decorated with gold.
Internal name: "gold"
Gold Ore
Gold ore is mined in a gold mine. Smelted in a furnace, it turns into gold which is used as a precious building material and to produce weapons and armor.
Internal name: "gold_ore"
Golden Fur Garment
Ordinary fur garments can be decorated with iron and gold. Such clothes are the best armor.
Internal name: "fur_garment_golden"
Golden Helmet
A golden helmet protects soldiers. It is produced in the large armor smithy and used to train soldiers from health level 1 to level 2.
Internal name: "helmet_golden"
Granite is a basic building material. The Frisians produce granite blocks in quarries and rock mines. They can be refined in a brick kiln.
Internal name: "granite"
The hammer is an essential tool. Geologists, builders and blacksmiths all need a hammer. Make sure you’ve always got some in reserve! They are produced by the blacksmithy.
Internal name: "hammer"
A helmet is a basic tool to protect soldiers. It is produced in the small armor smithy and used to train soldiers from health level 0 to level 1.
Internal name: "helmet"
Honey is produced by bees belonging to a beekeeper. It is used to bake honey bread and brew mead.
Internal name: "honey"
Honey Bread
This bread is sweetened with honey. It is consumed by the most experienced miners and in advanced soldier training.
Internal name: "honey_bread"
Hunting Spear
This spear is light enough to be thrown, but heavy enough to kill any animal in one blow. It is only used by hunters. Hunting spears are produced by the blacksmithy
Internal name: "hunting_spear"
Iron is smelted out of iron ores. It is produced by the furnace. Tools and weapons are made of iron. It is also used as jewellery for fur garment armor to give it a silver shine.
Internal name: "iron"
Iron Ore
Iron ore is mined in iron mines. It is smelted in a furnace to retrieve the iron.
Internal name: "iron_ore"
Kitchen Tools
Kitchen tools are needed for preparing rations and meals. The smoker also needs them.
Internal name: "kitchen_tools"
Logs are an important basic building material. They are produced by felling trees. Woodcutters fell the trees; foresters take care of the supply of trees. Logs are also used in the blacksmithy to build basic tools, and in the charcoal kiln for the production of coal. Smokeries use logs as fuel for smoking meat and fish.
Internal name: "log"
Long Sword
The long sword is the weapon used by level 1 soldiers. Level 4 soldiers are equipped with a long and a double-edged sword.
Internal name: "sword_long"
Mead is produced by mead breweries. Soldiers drink mead during advanced training.
Internal name: "mead"
A meal is made out of honey bread and beer and either smoked fish or meat. It is consumed by miners in deep mines.
Internal name: "meal"
Meat contains a lot of energy, and it is obtained from wild game taken by hunters. Meat has to be smoked in a smokery before being delivered to taverns, drinking halls and training sites.
Internal name: "meat"
Mixed Scrap Metal
Discarded weapons and armor can be recycled in a recycling center to produce new tools, weapon and armor.
Internal name: "scrap_metal_mixed"
Needles are used by seamstresses to sew cloth and fur garments.
Internal name: "needles"
Old Fur Garment
Old garments can be turned into fur in a recycling center.
Internal name: "fur_garment_old"
Picks are used by stonemasons and miners.
Internal name: "pick"
A small bite to keep miners strong and working. The scout also consumes rations on his scouting trips. Rations are produced in taverns and drinking halls out of something to eat: Fruit, bread or smoked meat or fish.
Internal name: "ration"
Reed is grown in a reed farm. Nothing is better suited to make roofs waterproof. It is also used to make baskets and fishing nets as well as cloth.
Internal name: "reed"
Scrap Iron
Discarded weapons and armor can be recycled in a recycling center to produce new tools, weapon and armor.
Internal name: "scrap_iron"
The scythe is the tool of the farmers. Scythes are produced by the blacksmithy.
Internal name: "scythe"
Short Sword
This is the basic weapon of the Frisian soldiers. Together with a fur garment, it makes up the equipment of young soldiers. Short swords are produced by the small armor smithy.
Internal name: "sword_short"
Shovels are needed for the proper handling of plants. They are used by berry and reed farmers as well as foresters. Clay diggers also need them to dig mud out of hard soil.
Internal name: "shovel"
Smoked Fish
Fish is smoked in a smokery. Smoked fish is then consumed by soldiers in training or turned into rations and meals for miners and scouts.
Internal name: "smoked_fish"
Smoked Meat
Meat is smoked in a smokery. Smoked meat is then consumed by soldiers in training or turned into rations and meals for miners and scouts.
Internal name: "smoked_meat"
Studded Fur Garment
Ordinary fur garments can be decorated with iron to give them a silvery shine. These clothes make good armor.
Internal name: "fur_garment_studded"
Water is the essence of life! Water is used to bake bread and brew beer. Reindeer farms and aqua farms also consume it.
Internal name: "water"