Map: King of the Mountains

Maps » King of the Mountains
King of the Mountains


The legend says: ''When ever one leaves our mountain, he never comes back''. As time goes by, legends become old legends and then they will become myths. But each time has his own hero who wants to proof old myths... Good luck, hero, see if the old legend is a myth or a truth...


Consider using ferries to bypass long transportation of wares and ships to shorten the ways for soldiers. Ai works but is slow in the beginning.

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Basic Information:

Author: kaputtnik
World: One World
Dimensions: 160 x 160
Max. Players: 4
Downloads: 30
Comments: 0
Upload: by kaputtnik at 2024-12-31, 15:47
This map requires a version of Widelands 1.2 or newer!
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